*updated for 4/20/22 🙂
Introduction to Best Things to do While High
Got your hands on some sticky primo bud? Very nice for you. But it isn’t enough just to be high….Ok, actually it is.
But, for the ambitious types, there is no such thing as idle time, and there are plenty of productive or at least entertaining things that you can do when you are high especially in 2022.
Whether you are with friends or flying Han style (you know, Solo) there are plenty of really excellent ways to enjoy your THC.
Today, we will be talking about them.
Why? Because you are the discerning stoner. For you, it’s not enough to stare at the cat and wonder what it is thinking. No, you want the best things to do while high. And you know what?
You deserve them. So let’s not blow any more of your buzz on introductions. Read on for a list of the best things to do when stoned.
Fun things to do while high with friends
Stoners are social creatures by nature. Even the most basic wallflower blooms with the right strain of bud. Sure, smoking by yourself is just peachy, but it can also be fun to go out and see the world with a good group of people by your side.
So, what are the best things to do while high with your friends? Let’s take a look.
Puff Pass and Paint
Marijuana & THC is great for activating the creative zones in your mind. Maybe you can’t paint with a clear head, but you think about giving it a try when you are feeling lifted.
If you live in a state with legal recreational marijuana, you are in the perfect position to get your paint on.
Puff Pass and Paint was one of the first marijuana-infused art classes and it is one of the most fun things to do while high with friends. Whether you are with a large group of people or entertaining friends who are in town, this is a one-of-a-kind experience and you’ll even wind up with a neat little souvenir when it’s all said and done.
Puff Pass and Paint Locations
Right now, Puff Pass and Paint has a number of locations across the United States where cannabis is recreational or medical. Puff Pass and Paint studios are opening back up!
You’ll find puff pass n paint classes available in:
- Denver, Colorado
- Washington D.C.
- Brooklyn, New York
- Orlando, Florida
- St Louis Missouri
- Boston
- Los Angeles, California
- Las Vegas
Check out what a Puff Pass & Paint Class looks like here.
Go to the Movies
Going to the movies has always been one of the most fun things to do when stoned, but that has perhaps never been truer than it is right now.
Just think about the movies that come out these days. Big blockbusters with stellar effects and out of this world backgrounds and characters.
You don’t even have to be a geek to really enjoy Star Wars or the Avengers when stoned.
It’s like movies are made for stoners these days, so get lifted, and get going.
Go on an Outdoor Adventure or Hike
Movies are great, but they can’t compare to a rewarding experience with mother nature, right? There is actually a scientific element to it. Interacting with nature can reduce anxiety, and even lower your blood pressure, making it a great way to enjoy your afternoon and improve your health.
There are loads of different things to do with friends while high outdoors. Fishing, hiking, a nice trip to the park.
If you live in Denver, you might think about hitting the slopes or going on a scenic mountain hike.
Live in Portland? Try going kayaking down Willamette River. It’s a great way to experience nature, while also getting a majestic look a the cities skyline.
Seattle? Go on over to Olympic Sculpture Park. Take in the scenery, and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city for a while.
Oakland? Maybe you want to head on over to Lake Merrit, or the surrounding parkland. Great for hikes, or even for a little bit of canoeing.
And of course, our pals in Brooklyn will want to head over to Coney Island and take in the boardwalk and all of the other fun activities.
Last but not least, Boston! If you live in the Boston area you really can’t beat the Kingdom Trails. A truly majestic place to go biking and experience panoramic views of mother nature.
And what about the people in the rest of the country? Perhaps folks living in places where cannabis isn’t quite so legally accessible?
If you don’t have the pleasure of living in one of these green-friendly communities, there are still plenty of different ways to experience nature. It can be as simple as finding a nearby park and going for a little walk.
With the right strain, even the little things can be an adventure.
Play Marijuana Games
Marijuana games are truly a great way to bring people together. They are fun, usually free, and they can lead to legitimate bonding if done right. Here are ten games that you really should try.
Never Have I Ever
Same way the game has always been played, but with one twist. When you have done the “never have I ever” action, you take a hit of bud.
Bong Pong
Exactly like beer pong except that you commemorate successful shots with a toke instead of a drink. It’s much better.
Hold Your Smoke
For hold your smoke to work best, you need a fairly sizable group of people. It’s a simple game. Circle up, and start puff, puff, passing. The idea is to hold your smoke until the joint comes back to you.
If you don’t manage it, you’re out.
Jenga with a Twist
Just like regular Jenga, except the pieces have instructions written on them. Each time you remove a block, you read the inscription and do what it says. Generally, the instructions are smoking-related.
Cards Against Humanity
Technically this doesn’t have to be a cannabis game, but a little bit of green fortification will help to open up your creativity.
The Quintessential Drinking Game. But With Cannabis
One of the most prominent drinking game is to watch a movie, and take a shot anytime characters use a certain phrase. Naturally, this is a game that works well with pot as well.
For added fun, try watching a stoner flick while you do it.
Marijuana Related Board Games
There are lots of pot-related board games out there that will make a perfect accompaniment that might help you make the most of your gathering.
Non-Marijuana Related Board Games
The game doesn’t have to be about pot to be fun. Even Monopoly can be a good time when you’ve got good friends and good kush around. But good luck choosing a banker.
Would You Rather
The questions will start to get pretty creative. You can count on that.
A little bit of pot will make Twister feel a whole lot less awkward.
Cannabis Cooking
Hey, the munchies will creep up on you sooner or later. When they do it will be time for some cannabis cooking.
There are actually cannabis cooking classes available in many cities, which will be a great way for you and your friends to enjoy a tasty, fun common experience.
Deep Conversations
And of course, there is also plenty of merit in having a good old fashioned stoned conversation. Pot can bring out deep thoughts, so let them flow freely, and point them in the direction of a good buddy.
Things to do while high alone
And of course, sometimes you just want to get lifted and sit around by yourself. But even then, you need something to fill the time. Here are a whole bunch of things to do while high alone to try the next time you get your hands on some good weed.
Things to Watch While High Alone
Cinema and television alike are filled to capacity with things to watch while high. Everyone has their own list of best movies to watch stoned.
That said, here are some good movies to watch while high that we like.
- Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
- Dogma
- Dazed and Confused
- Clerks
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- The Big Lebowski
- Anything with Cheech and Chong
- The Wolf of Wallstreet
- Pineapple Express
- Reefer Madness
Best Stoner Movies on Netflix *updated
- How High (2001) and How High 2 (2019)
- Scary Movie
- Pinapple Express (2008)
- Wet Hot American Summer
- Super High Me
- Stonerville
- Beavis and Butthead Do America
- Starsky & Hutch (2004)
- How Weed Won the West
- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
- Trailer Park Boys (2006)
- Fantastic Fungi (2019) – must watch!
- Mac and Devin Go to School
- Shrek (2001)
- Hot Fuzz
- Grass is Greener (2019)
- Spaceballs (1987)
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
- Chicken Run
- Bad Trip (2021)
- Puff: Wonders of the Reef (2021)
- Have a Good Trip (2020)
- Scott Pilgram vs. the World (2010)
- Kung Fu Hustle
Best Videos to Watch While Stoned
3 Golden Sisters TV – Try Smoking Weed
Snoops Best GGN Weed Moments
King of Cannabis
Grower Mannequin Challenge
Smoke Tricks
Sure, taking a toke or rip is fun, but what about the unlimited amount of smoke tricks you can try? Here is a quick list of 10 smoke trick to keep you having fun when you’re alone.
- Blowing O’s
- 8-Ball
- Ghost Inhale
- The Atomic Bomb
- Waterfalls
- Bull Ring
- Smoke Bubble
- Tornado
- French Inhale
- Triangles
Writing While High
Writing while high is fairly controversial. Does it work? Doesn’t it? Creativity in an altered state of mind is not exactly new. We all know that Papa Hemingway liked his booze. And Hunter S. Thompson and William S. Burroughs would take, well. Anything.
But what about true blue stoner writers?
There are more than a few famous writers who have at least dabbled. Stephen King, Chuck Palahniuk, even Maya Angelo. Michael Chabon.
So there is plenty of history to it. Are people more creative when they write high? It ultimately depends on the individual. Creativity is difficult to scale in an objective sense, but there is certainly merit to giving marijuana a shot the next time you write.
It may just lower your inhibitions, and get the words flowing faster than ever before.
10 Books to Read While High
Even if you don’t plan on writing while you smoke, you can always read. Here are some things to read while high.
- Alice in Wonderland Louis Carrol
- Wonder Boys Michael Chabon
- Drop City T.C Boyle
- Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas Hunter S. Thompson
- On the Road Jack Kerouac
- Naked Lunch William S. Burroughs
- Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert M. Pirsig
- The Hobbit J.R.R Tolkien
- The Bone Clocks, by David Mitchell
- The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka
10 Video Games to Play High
We all get there eventually, right? Here are ten video games to play while high.
- Super Mario Bros
- Mario Kart
- Pokemon Yellow
- Stardew Valley
- Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind
- No Mans Sky
- Rock Band
- Any Grand Theft Auto
- Limbo
- Skyrim
Things to Think About While High
Contrary to what your DARE officer said, cannabis can also be really great for deep thinking. People use cannabis for everything from mediation to plain and simple deep thought sessions.
There are lots of things to think about while high. Relationships, the meaning of life, the vastness of the universe. The mystery of consciousness. The impossibility or certainty of eternity.
You can make it as academic or as informal as you want.
Meditation while high is also great. The pot can help you clear your mind and reside firmly in the moment and get into a deeper state of relaxation.
That said, if you are an anxious stoner, you might not have the deep experience you are looking for.
Things to Look at While High
Last but not least, let’s talk things to look at while high. Stoner art is abundant. If you want to look at trippy art while you smoke, there are lots of Twitter and Instagram accounts dedicated to exactly that.
But then art is also very subjective. It really all depends on what you like. For example, for many, it doesn’t get much trippier than a Goya painting.
Just do you. Go online, go to a museum, or look through a great art book. If you want to go classic, Goya, Picasso, and Mondrian all produced large bodies of work that might make the stoned eye pause for a while.Â
Or if you’re looking for some trippy, psychedeltic videos, go to Youtube and see what you can find. Here one example of a crazy video to look at high.
Just pick something that you like though, and there is no going wrong.